The Board Internship Alumni

The most recent cohort of 12 interns graduated at the CMA 2023 Conference in Brisbane. They represent outstanding young leaders from Perth, Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne, and now have some training and boardroom experience to take with them into future board roles.

If your organisation is seeking Christian young people to serve on your board, we commend our Board Internship Alumni to you!

Interns after commissioning at CMA's 2022 Conference

2023-2024 Cohort

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Grace Sha


Ashleigh Khoo, 2023 graduate

“The Board Internship has been an amazing opportunity to truly learn and understand how a board works and what is required as a board member. There’s nothing better than first-hand experience of the board room. I would definitely recommend doing the internship if you want to gain experience in this area, as you also get access to training and a mentor which has been so helpful as I navigate this new space.”

2022-2023 Cohort

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Yongsheng Tan

Lives in Sydney

Served his internship with Local Leaders International

I am currently a senior investment analyst at an ethical funds management firm, as well as a CFA charterholder. Prior to this, I spent 9 years working at Christian Super, and I am currently studying a Graduate Diploma of Divinity.  I have a broad range of institutional investment experience through various market cycles and I am keen to see ordinary Australian people and organisations steward finances in a prudent and ethical manner.

Sayaka Miyashita

Lives in Sydney

Served her internship with Christian Media and Arts Australia

I am a Branding Consultant and Designer, specialising in providing services to not for profit and faith-based organisations. I have a passion for seeing Christian organisations live out their values and mission through effective brand positioning, by crafting compelling visual identities and digital communications. Having completed the CMA Board Internship, I am determined to bring fresh perspectives and creative solutions to Boardrooms that will result in Christian organisations making Kingdom impact in our culture.

Priscilla Tran

Lives in Sydney

Served her internship with Anglican Aid

Priscilla Tran is an award-winning property developer (UDIA Young Leader, NAWIC Future Leader, PowerHousing Rising Star) that loves working in the property and construction industry. Since 2008, she has had diverse experience in property development, project management, property valuation, architecture and shopping centre management, and has worked in Brisbane and Sydney, in for-purpose, private and listed companies, and the market residential and community housing sectors. Priscilla is working towards using her qualifications (GAICD, Master of Property Studies, Bachelor of Architectural Design), experience and passion to further her contribution to the for-purpose sector by becoming a board director of an organisation that aligns with her aspiration to help to end homelessness and provide more diverse and resilient communities for all. Priscilla has a long history of volunteering her time and efforts in her church, community and industry, including raising funds to alleviate youth homelessness, mentor youth and younger leaders, and organise professional development, networking and fundraising events.

Katelyn Thierry

Lives in Melbourne

Served her internship with Arrow Leadership

Katelyn is a young lawyer based in Sydney. She has experience in leading and serving in her local church and in community organisations, and is passionate about helping charities, not for profits and Christian organisations ensure their structures and governance assist in carrying out their good work, rather than hinder it.

Katelyn completed her studies at Deakin University in Victoria where she was awarded the Dean’s Merit List Award for Academic Excellence, graduating with a Bachelor of Laws (Distinction) and a Bachelor of Arts (Distinction), specialising in History and Politics and Policy Studies.

Elton Teh

Lives in Melbourne

Served his internship with Langham Partnership Australia

I am an accountant who is passionate about working charities and not-for-profits to find pragmatic and practical solutions. As an auditor I really enjoy engaging with boards around their financial governance and I believe in the role good governance plays in ensuring the longevity and success of any organisation.

When I’m not at work you can find me at a hipster (snobby) coffee shop or at the latest foodie hotspot in Melbourne. If I’m not there then chances are that I’m at home cooking or baking for my friends who are coming around for dinner.   Qualifications: Member CAANZ

Judith Mendes

Lives in Brisbane

Served her internship with Hillcrest Christian College

Judith Mendes, based in Brisbane, completed her Board Internship with Hillcrest Christian College in 2022-23. Judith has a background in law and currently works in the area of Human Rights & Social Impact Consulting across the government, corporate and energy & natural resources sectors. Judith’s governance experience began in 2018 and she is currently up-skilling her knowledge by undertaking the AICD Company Directors course.

Judith is passionate about church, her family and mentoring the next generation. Judith enjoys leveraging her strategic focus, analytical skills and problem-solving nature to cultivate positive change.

Isaac Sargeant

Lives in Melbourne

Served his internship with Habitat for Humanity Victoria

Isaac is a graduate of the 2023 Board Internship, having completed his internship with Habitat for Humanity Victoria. During his internship, Isaac developed his understanding of board dynamics and the symbiotic relationship between boards and management.

During the week, Isaac works as a lawyer specialising in construction and major infrastructure projects.

Ashleigh Khoo

Lives in Melbourne, VIC

Served her internship with Korus Connect

Ashleigh is a regular giving product manager who enjoys facilitating and stewarding people’s giving and generosity. With over a decade of experience across the not-for-profit and corporate sector in both Australia and the UK, she is passionate about playing her part in building a more just and compassionate world. Particularly interested in social transformation, addressing systemic causes of inequality and organisations building healthy governance structures, Ashleigh enjoys empowering others to identify their purpose and utilising it to see a better society for all. Outside of this she is also a lover of spicy food (or just food in general), a coffee enthusiast and is probably planning her next scuba diving adventure.

Chelsea Evans

Lives in Brisbane. QLD

Served her internship with Christian Venues Australia

Chelsea is the Coordinator of Operations, Systems, and Compliance at Baplink, the financial services arm of The Baptist Union of Queensland. Her role includes broad responsibilities for operations team leadership, banking system administration, second line compliance leadership, and training and other support for church treasurers and administrators (including Xero implementation). She has a passion for empowering churches, specifically bookkeepers and treasurers, to gain confidence in their systems and processes. She strives to make accounting fun and exciting for everyone. She’s an unashamed Xero fan. Chelsea has a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) and is a member of CPA Australia.

Diana Ong

Lives in Perth

Served her internship with CMA

Diana Ong is an emerging Director with over 10 years of working in the non-profit organisation management industry. She is skilled in communications, business development, operations, strategic planning and stakeholder management. Diana is a strong community and business professional, design thinker and ecosystem contributor to the non-profit and start-up ecosystem in Perth. She is a Co-founder and Managing Director at the Perth-based non-profit, The Platform and Purpose Studio, managing a network of over 80 impact-driven organisations ranging from known brands such as Anglicare WA and Telethon Kids, to grassroots organisations such as Raw Impact, Leading Youth Forward and more. Diana is passionate about good governance, has interned at The Board Internship, and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Elise Jasper

Lives in Melbourne

Served her internship with The Leprosy Mission

I am Elise Jasper from Melbourne. My board internship was with the Leprosy Mission Australia. I have loved witnessing and learning from Christians who are actively using their skills to prayerfully and wisely govern an organisation that powerfully impacts individuals with Leprosy all over the world.

During the week I work as an Employment Lawyer. I enjoy advising on a range of employee and employer matters, in all sorts of diverse workplaces.’ 

Grace Szeto

Lives in Sydney

Served her internship with SU NSW

Grace resides in Sydney and has just completed her Board internship 2022-23 at Scripture Union NSW. She has a passion for governance at Christian organisations, and appreciates the unique calling each have to make a difference in the world in Jesus’ name. During the internship, she has enjoyed getting to know the complexities of how the organisation works at varying levels, and asking questions to better understand and/or challenge why things are done the way they are, and whether things can be improved.

Outside of the Board internship, Grace works as an Associate Director in investment consulting at WTW. Prior to this, she has worked 8 years at Christian Super. She also has a strong passion for social justice, and using finance to address inequality and transform local and global communities. She has volunteered with her local church on various fundraising and outreach initiatives for the community, and has led youth and adult bible studies.

2021-2022 Cohort

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Lance Blythe

Lives in Melbourne VIC

Did his internship with Korus Connect

Lance Blythe is an Ordained pastor with the Baptist Union of Victoria (2022) currently working as an Associate Pastor at NewHope Baptist Church in Melbourne (2015 – current). Lance has a degree in Podiatry from LaTrobe University (2011) and a Masters of Divinity from Whitley College (2022). Currently, Lance serves in two governance positions as the Chair of NewHope Baptist Preschool’s Committee of Management (2016 – current) and as a board member of Baptist Financial Services (2022 – current). Lance completed the CMA Board Internship with Korus Connect (2021-2022) and thoroughly enjoyed the experience of the internship and the placement with Korus Connect.

Thomas Chow

Lives in Brisbane QLD

Did his internship with Hillcrest Christian College

Tom is a Brisbane based professional engineer and project manager in the resource sector.  He attends Sunnybank District Baptist Church with his wife Amy and 2 children. He has held governance type leadership roles for church and Christian non-profit organisations for 10 years. He is particularly passionate about developing solid governance processes and helping the socially disadvantaged.  He chaired his church’s board for 7 years. Linkedin

James Baker

Lives in Adelaide

Did his internship with CMA

James is a messy Jesus follower and passionate disciple maker. James is currently the CEO and Creative Director of xp. ltd which creates digital resources to help young Aussies authentically explore life and faith.  James is also an Endeavour Executive Fellow, recognised by the Australian Government for his strategic thinking and leadership in ministry, and brings his insight into emerging Christian churches to our board.   Prior to ministry, James pursued a career in international law and social policy, and his work on disability rights was recognised by a prestigious Prime Minister’s Australia Asia Award.

Lucy Dessington

Lives in Perth WA

Did her internship with Peacewise

Lucy is passionate about sharing Jesus with young people and equipping local churches and Christian organisations to be thriving, Jesus-centred communities for all generations. She is an experienced allied health professional and has also worked in the area of youth engagement for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Lucy has a growing interest in governance and has completed studies with the Australian Centre for Philanthropy and NonProfit Studies (QUT). Lucy is a graduate of The Board Internship 2021/22 Cohort and is currently serving as a Board Member for PeaceWise.

Connecting with The Board Internship Alumni

We maintain a list of those Alumni who may be open to consider invitations to join ministry boards. We don’t provide a matching service, but we do have a simple system and form enabling us to communicate opportunities for board service to the alumni. There is a small fee involved for organisations (although no charge for CMA Standards Council accredited partners), please click here to provide the details of your board service opportunity, which will be passed on to the Alumni.

Apply to be an intern