Program Breakdown
Interns must attend all Host Board meetings in a non-voting capacity. They receive all Board documents and may be seconded to appropriate committees (at the Host Board’s discretion and depending on their availability), attend Strategy days and the AGM.
Each Intern is paired with a Board Member from their Host Board who will meet with them one-on-one throughout the year to provide guidance and advice, answer any board related questions, exchange feedback, and provide spiritual input and Christian leadership in the governance journey.
Interns participate in a 12 month curated Learning & Development Program as well as two CMA conferences to complement their board governance experience.
The purpose of the Learning & Development Program is to enhance the Intern’s knowledge and understanding of governance from a Christian perspective by bringing them in-depth wisdom and experience from Christian professionals in all aspects of ministry governance.
Topics begin with Governance 101 and the place of God in the Boardroom, Understanding Financial Governance, ACNC Requirements, through to Setting Standards of Excellence, Strategy, Purpose and Program Alignment and the role of Faith and Strategy, Risk Management, Avoiding Mission Drift, and the Board Building Cycle.
Host Boards are also expected to include Interns in their own Board development training.
Interns are trained and equipped to act as effective “askers” and are given the opportunity to participate in a fundraising campaign to apply their skills and support The Board Internship in partnership.
Interns are invited to various networking events throughout the year, are introduced to the Alumni, have the option to be listed on the TBI directory, and are encouraged to continue building relationships throughout the sector. Graduates can join the Alumni, with discounted prices on select CMA events for 2 years.
Interns and Mentors are provided support throughout the program in the form of pastoral care and ongoing prayer from the TBI Team. Evaluations, informal chats, regular communications, and a Mentors Only session all provide opportunities for feedback and a chance to address any issues. A formal review is conducted at the end of the program with the Host Boards. At the graduation event at the second CMA Conference, Interns receive a certificate of competence and, where appropriate and available, referrals to open Board positions.

to be
an Intern
Applications for 2025 Internships are open from 1 February 2025 and close 31 March 2025. Download the Intern Information Pack above. The Application Form link and QR Code are within the Pack.
As a minimum, Intern applicants must be between 22 and 35 years old, be solid in their Christian faith walk, and have a strong character that reflects integrity, commitment, and a determination to make a difference in the ministry sector. Applicants will need to provide referees from your current church community.
Upon receipt of completed applications, we conduct an initial reference check from your church community. An additional professional referee may also be requested from the candidate.
If satisfactory, you’ll be invited to interview with the Interview Panel. From there, successful candidates will be contacted and the placement process will commence in conjunction with participating Host Boards. As applications remain open until 31 March 2025 for both interns and host boards, this process will take a few months.