
The Board Internship ensures each Interns is paired with a Mentor from their Host Board to help equip, empower and release young Christians to live out their faith in a Board setting across the Christian NFP sector and in the marketplace.

Mentors must be willing participants in the program with a desire to sow into the next generation of Christian leaders and board members, with a strong commitment to Godly governance and a spiritual maturity to guide and advise the Intern as they navigate governance in the Christian boardroom.

Mentors are required to attend Induction Training to introduce them to the 12 month program and help them understand expectations of their critical role.

For more information about the Mentoring component of The Board Internship, please download the Mentor Information Pack below. This includes a link to the Mentor Questionnaire.

Mentor Information Pack 2025-2026 

“Being a mentor for a board intern provides a great opportunity to help develop the governance experience and skills of someone who is keen to learn. I have so far been privileged to mentor two enthusiastic young people willing to commit their own time and effort to develop their governance skills and to then take that experience to assist boards in other organizations.”

Jame Lewis
Chair, Hillcrest Christian College and CMA Board Member